Privacy Policy


PHOSTEC s. r. o., ID: 31 645 861, registered with the Commercial Register of the District Court Banska Bystrica, section: Sro, file no .: 3360/S, registered office: Priemyselna 962, 966 01 Hlinik nad Hronom (hereinafter also "Operator") is the operator of information systems in which this company processes your personal data as personal data of the data subject. No personal information is required to use this site.

The controller proceeds with the processing of personal data in accordance with the law of the Slovak Republic, while paying maximum attention to the privacy of the persons concerned and to the protection of personal data that it processes.


PHOSTEC s.r.o. does not use cookies on this site to collect information on or from our users. However, incidental to your use of this site, PHOSTEC's web server automatically logs certain information such as the name of your Internet service provider, the IP address of the computer you are using, the type of browser software and operating system that you use, the date and time you access this site, the Internet address, if any, from which you linked directly to this site, the Internet address, if any, to which you travel from this site, and other similar traffic-related information. However, the processing of obtained and provided personal data is a necessary part of the Operator's activities. Without the processing of personal data, it would not be able to provide its clients, potential clients, business partners or other data subjects with its services to the required extent and quality.


The current legislation allows the processing of personal data on the basis of several legal bases, while the processing of personal data may take place without the consent of the data subject.

Unless there is another legal basis for the processing of personal data, personal data will only be processed on the basis and to the extent of the consent of the data subject.


Personal data processed by the Operator may also be processed by third parties, provided that the Operator so decides, or the obligation to provide personal data follows from the legal order of the Slovak Republic.

In cases where the choice of the recipient of personal data is up to the Operator, when selecting these partners, he always makes sure that a high standard of personal data protection of the data subject is guaranteed.

The personal data of the data subject may be processed in countries of the European Union and countries which are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The transfer of personal data can only take place in third countries whose legal regime is considered by the European Commission to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data.

Recipients of personal data processed by the Operator can be divided into the following categories:

  • business partners providing physical and program service of the Operator's information technologies, especially information systems, computer programs and servers, necessary for the performance of the Operator's business activities,
  • business partners ensuring the fulfillment of the Operator's obligations in the area of legal services, human resources, taxes, audit and accounting,
  • registration authorities in the performance of the Operator's business activities,
  • public administration bodies, in cases where the Operator is obliged to provide personal data from a generally binding legal regulation or decision of a public administration body (especially courts, bodies active in criminal proceedings, executors).


The operator processes personal data manually or using electronic information systems. The controller has taken all necessary measures not only of a technical or also of a personnel and control nature in order to keep the level of personal data protection as high as possible.


The person concerned has the right to:

  • request from the Operator access to personal data concerning the data subject,to correct, delete or limit the processing of personal data, object to the processing of personal data, for the portability of personal data, submit a complaint or a proposal to initiate proceedings to the supervisory body, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time.

Any questions related to the protection of personal data may be sent by the person concerned to the email: or directly to the address of the Operator's registered office.

The controller is obliged to notify the data subject without undue delay of a personal data breach, if such a breach of personal data protection may lead to a high risk to the data subject's rights.